Swapnice is the future of items.
Our super-app platform brings items to life with state of the art breakthroughs coupling hardware and software.
Get Started
Personas are AI characters created from the item’s details and experiences.
Swap Badge
Grab your item and attach a Swap Badge, this provides it a high-tech software-controlled NFC microchip that securely stores it’s history, identity details, and swapp data.
Enhanced Items (Switems)
Taking an item and activating it’s attached Swap Badge makes it become a ‘Switem’. Switems store the item’s details, history, and added swapps.
Track and manage your items, Switems, and Personas in your Inventory.
Switem Hubs (Item Profiles)
Hubs are verified item profiles that display and certify the item’s details, history, and added swapps.
Apps for Items (Swapps)
Swapps are Apps that give your Switems and Personas extra capabilities.
Swapp Store
The app store for Swapps. People search the Swapp Store to add Swapps for Switems and Personas.
Items can be listed on Swapnice to be swapped, sold, or donated.
Make item transactions with realtime consensus with formally-verified software in 4 steps: Discuss, Approve, Transact, and Assess.
Swap Wallet
Link one or more financial accounts to your Swapnice account to get a Swap Wallet to securely send and receive funds from transactions and swapps.
Securely connect with and chat with members of the Swapnice community.
Performance-Driven Development
Swapnice is made with ❤️ by a passionate engineering-lead team with enterprise-grade world-class software, data, and AI research experience. Swapnice has researched and developed state of the art algorithms and systems to tackle the hardest problems in the industry. We hyper-scale productivity to make our lives as efficient as we can. Connect with us to learn more about our technology and how we can help you.